Efficient projects and processes for heavy industry

SITE – Swedish Industrial Technology

We are a consulting company that works with development and management to create effective projects within heavy industry in northern Sweden. We are experts in industrial technology, management and mechanical construction for the steel and mining industry.

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Management SITE mountain lift Kirunagruvan LKAB

Management for heavy industry

  • Project
  • Design management
  • Construction management and assembly line
  • Scheduling
  • Procurement
  • Calculation and follow-up of results
  • Bas-P and Bas-U
  • Risk management and work environment

Mechanical design and construction

  • Civil engineering construction, mechanics and media
  • The layout Coordination
  • Process Technology
  • CE marking
  • FEM calculations
Designer and project manager for industrial office SITE
Management for traverse safety by Niclas at SITE

Increased safety for cranes and traverses

SITE now offer a 3D scanning service to create even more efficient industrial projects. We continuously work with management on a project to improve safety with fall protection systems and attachment points around traverses in Kiruna.

Office in Luleå, northern Sweden

We have the office in Luleå. Here we have created nice workspaces that give our coworkers a good working environment in order to offer our customers the best efficiency.

Welcome to Varvsgatan 49 in Luleå city center. See map on Google.

SITE office 2022

Partners and customers

We work together with many players in heavy industry in northern Sweden, here are some of them.