SITE – in the middle of the boom in the north

The industrial boom attracts more and more companies to northern Sweden. With solid expertise from heavy industry and a wide network of contacts, the Luleå company SITE works both with the local industry and entrepreneurs who want to establish themselves in Norrbotten.

Native advertising article with Dagens Industri

In the center of the action. SITE offers services in management and construction to both contractors and end customers in the heavy industry in Norrbotten.

Many billions are invested in northern Sweden

A unique development is taking place in northern Sweden. Many billions are invested here in some of the largest industrial ventures in modern times.

As experts in industrial technology, management and construction in the steel and mining industry, SITE notices the rapid development.

Many want to be part of the industrial expansion and the demand for the skills we offer is high. Thanks to our base in Norrbotten and extensive experience in project management in the mining and steel industry, we have the knowledge and local contact network required to support those who want to establish themselves in northern Sweden with pretty much everything they may need help with, says Fredrik Kroll, project manager and co-owner at SITE Svensk Industriteknik.

Projects in heavy industry

SITE offers management and construction services for a range of business areas linked to heavy industry. They help customers with everything from project management, 3D scanning and measurements to the construction of machines and facilities. They work with projects in all phases and do so for both contractors and end customers in heavy industry.

We are a consulting company, but we work very broadly. One of our main strengths is that we have experience from both the client side and the contracting side. On both sides, we can lead projects and create added value throughout the process; from concept study to commissioning in full production. The fact that our customers can hand over the entire responsibility to us and only need to have a speaking partner is something that is appreciated, says Fredrik Kroll.

High quality a hallmark

In recent years, SITE has, among other things, project-led the assembly of a new crushing plant for Boliden in the Aitik mine. For LKAB, they have, among other things, led the project and designed the delivery of a new conveyor for MAC/MAF unloading in Malmberget and with new routines and fall protection increased crane and traverse safety in Kiruna. They have supported SSAB in Luleå with project management from preliminary study to production implementation of a new pouring plant. To meet the rapid development, they plan to grow in the next few years both in the number of employees and with new areas of expertise.

The future looks bright thanks to all the investments made in Norrbotten. SITE will expand, but at the same time, we will continue to maintain the high quality that, regardless of the size of the client and project, is our hallmark. You are never better than your last project. For us, it is therefore extremely important to always deliver such good services that we gain continued trust, says Fredrik Kroll.

About SITE Swedish industrial technology

SITE Svensk industriteknik is a consulting company in Luleå that works with the development and management of processes to create efficient projects within the heavy industry in Norrland. The company was founded in 2017 and the seventeen employees are experts in industrial technology, management and construction for the steel and mining industry.

The article is produced in collaboration with Brand Studio for a nationwide native campaign on
