Site Svensk industriteknik verksamhet

Consulting services for heavy industry in northern Sweden

SITE is a consulting company that offers services in management and construction for a range of business areas, primarily linked to heavy industry. We can help you with project planning, project management, completion and follow-up of large and small projects.

Management for traverse safety by Niclas at SITE

Management for industrial projects

We provide project management, design management and construction and assembly management. If you want help with efficient time planning, we will solve it. The same if you need help with procurement.

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Construction services for heavy industry

Our consultants have extensive experience in plant construction. Here we offer sharp support in construction, mechanics and media. We deliver, among other things, FEM calculations and layout coordination in your projects.

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Designer and project manager for industrial office SITE

3D scanning for efficient projects

SITE uses 3D scanning to create time- and cost-effective projects for our customers, from the mines in Kiruna and Gällivare to all the different industries in northern Sweden.

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Business areas

We specialize in a number of different industries and business areas. As we mainly operate in Norrbotten, we are used to project management in the mining and steel industry. It has made us used to work with steel technology, mechanical engineering and construction technology.

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Management SITE mountain lift Kirunagruvan LKAB